Tips to Manage Stress

Tips to Manage Stress

Types of Stress?

Their are 2 categories of stress that we come across:-

*Acute Stress: stress from specific event or situation such as argument, traffic accident, stuck in traffic jams can cause acute stress and can be easily managed.

Chronic Stress– repeated exposure to stress or long term stress such as bad relationship, financial issues, toxic environment may lead to chronic stress.

Symptoms of Stress?

Often, stress cause an underlying effect to the body’s overall functioning which is unseen and we do not realize until it is exacerbated. It can lead to many serious conditions if not managed well. The following are some of the examples of repercussions of stress:-

  • Restlessness
  • Anxiety
  • Drug overdose and alcohol misuse
  • Depression
  • Impact on Digestive health
  • Sleep Problems
  • Lack of Motivation
  • Mood fluctuations

Indeed, it can hamper all the aspects of life such as emotional, cognitive, behavioral and physical.

Tips to manage stress:

Managing stress is the key to dealing with our stress levels if we are unable to do so it can create havoc in the body and over burden our situation. Here are some tips that everyone can practice on a daily basis to keep stress at bay:-

* Exercise: Hectic life has brought a lot of stress, worries and anxiety in everyone’s lifestyle. Also, sedentary lifestyle can be harmful on long run. Exercise daily and a regularly to vent out energy, toxins and chemicals out of the body it also helps to tone and tune the rhythm of the body. It helps to de stress body and make you feel energetic and rejuvenated.

* Meditation: Take a break give your body rest and time to connect to the inner self. Meditation can bring a person to self realization and bring mental peace to the mind and can help to revitalize the body. Meditation helps to balance the body’s ability to deal and cope up with stress.

* Nutrition: Eating nourishing, regular and well balanced food helps to combat stress and balance blood sugar levels. Incorporate a handful of fruits, vegetables, whole-grains, lentils, pulses and quality proteins and fats into your daily diet regime.

* Deep Breathing: Today, we all have become shallow breathers and forgotten the real functioning of how deep breathing can do wonders to control our thoughts, emotion and behaviour. Sit on an upright posture and practice deep breathing as much as possible it helps to ease stress and bring positive emotions inside the body.

* Get Enough Sleep: Lack of sleep due to stress is a common symptom that people encounter. Getting a good night 8 hours of peaceful sleep is very essential as our body needs rest to repair internally, nourish cells and detox, all this mechanisms are taking place at cellular level when our body is in a state of rest. Sleep encourages the body’s balance physically, mentally and physiologically.